OpenTunnel Designer Help

Conventional Tunnels Modeling

The workflow for modeling a tunnel that is using a conventional tunnel template is as follows:

  • User imports/creates or reference an alignment
  • User is adding a tunnel corridor on his alignment. By default, each tunnel corridor creates a default tunnel unit. The user will have to choose from the dropdown list for the type of the tunnel "Conventional Tunnel".

  • User is adding the reference lines that defines the start and end of the tunnel solid.
  • User is importing in the Tunnel Template GUI a tunnel cross-sections from the Tunnel Catalog.
  • User starts the Place Tunnel command, selects the tunnel cross-section that the wants to use for extrusion.

  • User selects a "Section Length". The section length will split the tunnel solid in smaller sections.
  • User places the tunnel by selecting a start and end referenceline. Take note that each tunnel unit can contain a single tunnel solid. If the user needs to model different tunnel/reinforcement geometry along the tunnel length he can create multiple tunnel units under the same tunnel corridor. Each unit can contain it's own tunnel solid created by it's own tunnel cross section.